Nutanix Task Monitoring — MS Teams

Jon Dustin
3 min readMay 11, 2021


Nutanix clusters do a very good job at monitoring themselves and sending alerts if something goes awry. But I wanted to monitor some long-running operations a bit more closely (LCM in particular) and decided to look into API calls and sending output to Microsoft Teams.

The script does the following:

  • connects to specified cluster
  • gathers recent tasks
  • calculates overall disk percentage used — of particular concern during LCM updates
  • sends message to Microsoft Teams channel via their API
  • sleeps for 60 seconds and repeats

If you have a Nutanix cluster with disk used above 60% you could run into space issues depending on how long the LCM updates take to complete. This was the real driver for this script, so I could monitor update cycles from my mobile device without needing a VPN connection and access to Prism (only metadata is sent to Teams).

Please feel free to use this code as you see fit, and be gentle. I am NOT a skilled coder, I merely know how to cobble things together until they start working.


Teams Message Example

The code:

# query Nutanix clusters for tasks - send to Teams for monitoring progress
# you will need to setup your Teams channel for API access
$teamsurl = 'https://URL'
function SendTeams {
# use the Nutanix icon from Twitter just to be fancy - no big deal if it does not work
$body = ConvertTo-Json -Depth 8 @{
"@type" = "MessageCard"
"@context" = "<"
"title" = "$cluster tasks"
"summary" = "$message"
"sections" = @(
"activityText" = $message
"activityImage" = ""
$rv = Invoke-RestMethod -uri $teamsurl -Method Post -body $body -ContentType 'application/json'
$cred = get-credential -message "Nutanix credentials"
$username = $cred.UserName
$password = $cred.GetNetworkCredential().Password
$ntnxcred = "${username}:${password}"
$bytes = [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes($ntnxcred)
$base64 = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($bytes)
$basicAuthValue = "Basic $base64"
$ntnxheaders = @{ Authorization = $basicAuthValue }
# disable certificate checking
if ("TrustAllCertsPolicy" -as [type]) {} else {
Add-Type "using System.Net;using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;public class TrustAllCertsPolicy : ICertificatePolicy {public bool CheckValidationResult(ServicePoint srvPoint, X509Certificate certificate, WebRequest request, int certificateProblem) {return true;}}"
[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::CertificatePolicy = New-Object TrustAllCertsPolicy
# force TLSv1.2
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = "tls12"
function get-ntnx-disk ($cluster) { # retrieve disk usage for specified cluster
$uri='https://' + $cluster + ':9440/PrismGateway/services/rest/v1/storage_pools/'
try {
$stats = Invoke-RestMethod -uri $uri -contenttype "application/json" -Headers $ntnxheaders -method GET -TimeoutSec 30
return [math]::round(($stats.entities.usageStats.'storage.usage_bytes'/1TB) / ($stats.entities.usageStats.'storage.capacity_bytes'/1TB) * 100, 2)
} catch {
return -1
# connect to requested cluster and obtain 100 recent tasks
$uri='https://' + $cluster + ':9440/PrismGateway/services/rest/v2.0/tasks/list'
$postparams = @{ count="100"; include_completed="true"; include_subtasks_info="true" }
$postparams = $postparams | convertto-json
while ($true ) { # continue looping until killed
$diskusage = get-ntnx-disk $cluster
try {
$tasks = Invoke-RestMethod -uri $uri -Headers $ntnxheaders -method POST -TimeoutSec 30 -contenttype "application/json" -body $postparams
$tasks = $tasks.entities # Nutanix response from REST API
} catch {
write-error "problem connecting to $cluster"
# now change time to local and deal with milliseconds
$formatted = $tasks | select-object operation_type,percentage_complete,progress_status,@{N='updated';E={([datetimeoffset]::FromUnixTimeMilliseconds($_.last_updated_time_usecs/1000).localdatetime)}}
# and limit to tasks updated in last minute
$msg = $formatted | where-object {$_.updated -gt (get-date).addminutes(-1)}
$msg # send to screen
$string = $msg | format-list | out-string
if ( $string.length -gt 0 ) {
$string = "$string`ndiskUsage : $diskusage %"
SendTeams -message $string -cluster $cluster
start-sleep 60



Jon Dustin
Jon Dustin

Written by Jon Dustin

Manager of Infrastructure Engineering — boating enthusiast — travel fan

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